Prestige Electric Car PrestigeElectricCar As you know we're going strong in reaching our goal of €70.000,-. With €32.680,- we are […]
Van.Eko Be.e near the end of his Crowdfunding
01 April 2015

Van.Eko Be.e near the end of his Crowdfunding

    As you know we're going strong in reaching our goal of €70.000,-. With €32.680,- we are currently at 47% of our goal and that is great! But the deadline of 18 April is around the corner so to give the campaign an extra boost we've set-up a new incentive: A Be.e will be given away to one of our lucky investors!

    Invest and Win!
    We will be raffling 1 of the exclusive Special Edition Be.e's (to the value of €6700,-) from the first production run of just 20 units to our Symbid investors. For every investment of €20,- you receive a share in Van.Eko and a ticket which is eligible to win the Be.e. So an investment of just €20,- can suddenly become €6700,-! And with an average of 150 investors per campaign the chances of winning are high!

    The more you invest, the more tickets you receive and so you improve your chances of winning. The winner will also have the option to customize the Be.e to his or her preference with various colour options and a personalized text-tag integrated in the frame.

    Do you want to be driving the iconic Bio-based electric scooter, the Be.e, in a year from now: Press the "Invest here and Win"-button on the top and bottom of this email and place your investment! Or click here.Existing investors are also eligible for the raffle, but you can increase your chances by increasing your investment! If the campaign doesn't reach it's goal your money is returned to your Symbid account and the raffle and ticket are void. Meet & Greet

    On Wednesday the 8th of April we are organizing an open-day at our offices in Amsterdam Noord. Everyone can have the opportunity to view and test drive the Be.e, get to know Van.Eko and the founders, attend a pitch about the future plans and enjoy a small bite and drink. The reservation are forthcoming but we still have room to spare, so don't hesitate in bringing a long a friend or colleague.

    Wednesday 8th of April
    Location: Distelweg 113, 1031HD, Amsterdam. Link to Maps
    Time: from 16:00 to 20:00 the door will be open!
    Pithces are planned at 16:30, 18:30 and 19:30
    We end at around 20:00 with some drinks and a bite.
    Register for free: Van.Eko Meet & Greet

    Link to Symbid:

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